


  • Any / Year: 2020

  • Editorial / Publisher: Autoedició / Self-published

  • País / Country: Espanya / Spain

  • Traductor / Translator: Rodrigo Godinho Trevisan

  • ISBN: ---

Llengua indígena de la família tupi–guarani. També coneguda com a nhengatu, nyengatú, língua geral, geral, yeral. Es va originar al nord del Brasil al segle 17 com una lingua franca. Encara es parla al llarg del riu Negro al nord del Brasil (així com a la veïna Colòmbia i Veneçuela).

Indigenous language of the Tupi-Guarani family. Also known as nhengatu, nyengatú, general, general, yeral language. It originated in northern Brazil in the 17th century as a lingua franca. It is still spoken along the Negro River in northern Brazil (as well as in neighboring Colombia and Venezuela).

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